Cody M. Allen
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2019
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2016
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, 2014
Academic Positions
- Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020-present
- Affiliate, Center for Digital Agriculture, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022-present
Other Professional Employment
- Guidance, Navigation, and Control Engineer, The Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO, 2019-2020
Resident Instruction
- ABE 361: Functional Analysis and Design of Agricultural Machine Systems
- ABE 466: Engineering Off-Road Vehicles
- ETMA 262: Agricultural Machine Systems Management
- ETMA 464: Heavy Equipment Powertrains
Research Interests
- Digital and precision agriculture
- Agricultural automation and autonomy
- Controls and sensing for on- and off-highway machine systems
- Machine systems testing, modeling, and analysis
- Heavy-duty vehicle engines and powertrains
Selected Articles in Journals
- Liu, Z., Dhamankar, S., Evans, J.T., Allen, C.M., Jiang, C., Shaver, G.M., Etienne, A., Vyn, T.J., Puryk, C.M., McDonald, B.M. (2022) Development and experimental validation of a system for agricultural grain unloading-on-the-go. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 198,
- Gosala, D.B., Raghukumar, H., Allen, C.M., Shaver, G.M., McCarthy, J., & Lutz, T.P. (2021). Model-based design of dynamic firing patterns for supervisory control of diesel engine vibration. Control Engineering Practice, 107,
- Allen, C. M., Joshi, M. C., Gosala, D. B., Shaver, G. M., Farrell, L., & McCarthy, J. (2019). Experimental assessment of diesel engine cylinder deactivation performance during low-load transient operations. International Journal of Engine Research.
- Gosala, D. B., Allen, C. M., Shaver, G. M., Farrell, L., Koeberlein, E., Franke, B., Stretch, D., & McCarthy, J. (2018). Dynamic cylinder activation in diesel engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(8-9), 849-861.
- Allen, C. M., Gosala, D. B., Shaver, G. M., & McCarthy, J. (2018). Comparative study of diesel engine cylinder deactivation transition strategies. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(5), 570-580.
- Vos, K. R., Shaver, G. M., Lu, X., Allen, C. M., McCarthy, J., & Farrell, L. (2017). Improving diesel engine efficiency at high speeds and loads through improved breathing via delayed intake valve closure timing. International Journal of Engine Research, 20(2), 194-202.
- Gosala, D. B., Ramesh, A. K., Allen, C. M., Joshi, M. C., Taylor, A. H., Van Voorhis, M., Shaver, G. M., Farrell, L., Koeberlein, E., McCarthy, J., & Stretch, D. (2017). Diesel engine aftertreatment warm-up through early exhaust valve opening and internal exhaust gas recirculation during idle operation. International Journal of Engine Research, 19(7), 758-773.
- Joshi MC, Gosala DB, Allen CM, Vos K, Van Voorhis M, Taylor A, Shaver GM, McCarthy J, Jr. Stretch D, Koeberlein E and Farrell L (2017) Reducing diesel engine drive cycle fuel consumption through use of cylinder deactivation to maintain aftertreatment component temperature during idle and low load operating conditions. Front. Mech. Eng. 3:8. doi: 10.3389/fmech.2017.00008
- Ramesh, A. K., Shaver, G. M., Allen, C. M., Nayyar, S., Gosala, D. B., Caicedo Parra, D., Koeberlein, E., McCarthy, J., & Nielsen, D. (2017). Utilizing low airflow strategies, including cylinder deactivation, to improve fuel efficiency and aftertreatment thermal management. International Journal of Engine Research, 18(10), 1005-1016.
- Gosala, D. B., Allen, C. M., Ramesh, A. K., Shaver, G. M., McCarthy, J., Stretch, D., Koeberlein, E., & Farrell, L. (2017). Cylinder deactivation during dynamic diesel engine operation. International Journal of Engine Research, 18(10), 991-1004.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Joshi, M.J., Gosala, D.B., Allen, C.M., Srinivasan, S., Ramesh, A.K., VanVoorhis, M., Taylor, A., Vos, K.R., Shaver, G.M., McCarthy, J., Farrell, F., Koeberlein, E.D. (2018). Diesel Engine Cylinder Deactivation for Improved System Performance over Transient Real-World Drive Cycles. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0880.
- Ramesh, A.K., Gosala, D.B., Allen, C.M., Joshi, M.J., McCarthy, J., Farrell, L., Koeberlein, E.D., Shaver, G.M. (2018). Cylinder Deactivation for Increased Engine Efficiency and Aftertreatment Thermal Management in Diesel Engines. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0384.
Teaching Honors
- Ben and Georgeann Jones Excellence in Teaching Award, UIUC Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (2023)
- Fall 2023 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (ABE 466 & ETMA 464)
- Spring 2023 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (ETMA 262 & ETMA 464)
- Fall 2022 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (ABE 466)
- Spring 2022 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (TSM 262)
- Fall 2021 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (ABE 466 & ABE 361)
- Spring 2021 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (TSM 464)
Other Honors
- ASABE Outstanding Reviewer (2023)
- SAE John Johnson Best Paper Award (2018)
Recent Courses Taught
- ABE 361 - Func Analysis Des Agr Mach Sys
- ABE 361 - Off-Road Machine Design
- ABE 466 - Engineering Off-Road Vehicles
- ETMA 262 - Agric Machine Sys Management
- ETMA 464 - Heavy Equipment Powertrains
- ETMA 464 (TSM 464) - Engine and Tractor Power
- TSM 262 - Off-Road Equipment Management