April Novak

April Novak
April Novak she/her/hers
  • Assistant Professor
(217) 300-5822
117 Talbot Laboratory

For More Information


  • University of California, Berkeley, PhD in Nuclear Engineering, 2020
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, BS in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, 2015

Academic Positions

  • 2023-present, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
  • 2023-present, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (0%)

Other Professional Employment

  • Maria Goeppert-Mayer Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory, 2020-2023

Research Interests

  • Multiphysics methods and applications
  • Multiscale thermal-hydraulics
  • Monte Carlo transport methods
  • Reactor design and analysis
  • High performance computing

Research Areas

  • Multi-Physics Modeling and Simulation
  • Reactor Physics

Selected Articles in Journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • A. Hegazy, A.J. Novak, and R. Uddin, "Multiphysics Simulation of TRISO Fuel Compacts and the Effects of Homogenization," Proceedings of Physor (2024)
  • M. Eltawila, A. Novak, and Y. Miao, "Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Heat Pipe Microreactors using Cardinal, BISON, and Sockeye." Proceedings of Physor (2024)
  • A. Abou-Jaoude, E. Shemon, G. Giudicelli, S. Walker, L. Charlot, M. Tano, J. Fang, A. Novak, Z. Ooi, H. Park, N. Wozniak, Y. Miao, A. Abdelhameed, N. Stauff, and L. Zou, "Status of New Models Hosted on the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) in 2023," Proceedings of ANS (2023)
  • A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, P. Romano, D. Shaver, J. Fang, H. Yuan, D. Gaston, E. Merzari, H. Brooks, and A. Huxford, "High-Fidelity Multiphysics for Fission: Challenges, Accomplishments, and Future Directions," Proceedings of Nureth (2023)
  • A.J. Novak, C. Bourdot Dutra, D. Shaver, and E. Merzari, "NekRS CFD Simulations of Interassembly Flow in Sodium Fast Reactors," Proceedings of Nureth (2023)
  • V.C. Leite, E. Merzari, A. Novak, R. Ponciroli, and L. Ibarra, "Application of a Physically Informed Convolutional Neural Network for Monitoring the Temperature Field in Advanced Reactors," Proceedings of Nureth (2023)
  • A.J. Novak, H. Brooks, P. Shriwise, A. Hegazy, and A. Davis, "Multiphysics Coupling of OpenMC CAD-Based Transport to MOOSE using Cardinal and Aurora," Proceedings of M&C (2023)
  • L. Gross, A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, and P.P.H. Wilson, "Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver for 1-D Coupled Heat Transfer and Neutron Transport," Proceedings of M&C (2023)
  • H. Park, Y. Yu, E. Shemon, and A. Novak, "Development of Coupled Code System with Griffin, MOOSE and NekRS for Hot Channel Factor Evaluation in Fast Reactor," Proceedings of M&C (2023)
  •  A. Hegazy and A.J. Novak, "Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver with the Doppler Slab Benchmark," Proceedings of M&C (2023)
  • A. Chaube, A. Novak, H. Yuan, E. Merzari, D.R. Shaver, P.F. Fischer, and C. Brooks, "A Preliminary Fluid-Structure Coupling of NekRS and MOOSE via Cardinal," Proceedings of M&C (2023)
  • A.J. Novak, A. Chaube, D. Shaver, and C. Brooks, "Validation of NekRS-MOOSE Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling for a 7-Pin Bare Bundle,"  Proceedings of ANS (2022)
  • A. Abou-Jaoude, E. Shemon, G. Giudicelli, S. Walker, T. Folk, M. Tano, J. Fang, and A. Novak, "Status of New Models Hosted on the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) in 2022." Proceedings of ANS (2022)
  • M. Min, Y. Lan, P. Fischer, E. Merzari, S. Kerkemeier, M. Phillips, T. Rathnayake, A. Novak, D. Gaston, N. Chalmers, and T. Warburton, "Optimization of Full-Core Reactor Simulations on Summit." Proceedings of Supercomputing (2022)
  • P.C. Shriwise, A. Davis, A.J. Novak, H.M. Brooks, and P.K. Romano, "Unstructured Mesh Capabilities and Multiphysics Simulation with OpenMC." Proceedings of TOFE (2022)
  • Y. Yu, A. Novak, D. Shaver, and E. Merzari, "Coupled Simulation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subjected to Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Using Cardinal." Proceedings of ATH (2022)
  • A.J. Novak, D. Andrs, P. Shriwise, D. Shaver, P.K. Romano, E. Merzari, and P. Keutelian, "Coupled Monte Carlo and Thermal-Hydraulics Modeling of a Prismatic Gas Reactor Fuel Assembly Using Cardinal." Proceedings of PHYSOR (2022)
  • A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, R. Rahaman, P.K. Romano, E. Merzari, and D. Gaston, "Coupled Monte Carlo Transport and Conjugate Heat Transfer for Wire-Wrapped Bundles Within the MOOSE Framework." Proceedings of NURETH (2022)
  • A.J. Novak, D. Shaver, and B. Feng, "Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling of NekRS and MOOSE for Bypass Flow Modeling." Proceedings of ANS (2021)
  • G. Giudicelli, A. Abou-Jaoude, and A.J. Novak, "Coupled Multiphysics Simulations of the Mk1-FHR in the Virtual Test Bed." Proceedings of ANS (2021)
  • B. Feng, J. Fang, T. Hua, N. Stauff, A. Novak, L. Zou, R. Hu, P. Balestra, D. Reger, N. Martin, G. Giudicelli, and A. Abou-Jaoude, "Single- and Multi-Physics Models of Advanced Reactors in the Virtual Test Bed." Proceedings of ANS (2021)
  • G. Giudicelli, D.R. Gaston, P. Balestra, A.J. Novak, M.D. DeHart, A. Abou-Jaoude, J. Ortensi, A. Lindsay, and R.W. Carlsen, "Coupled Multi-Physics Transient Simulations of the Mk1-FHR Reactor Using the MOOSE Framework." Proceedings of M&C (2021)
  • J. Lee, P. Balestra, S. Schunert, A. Novak, Y. Hassan, M. DeHart, and R.C. Martineau, "Pronghorn Fully Compressible Equation Set Validation Against SANA Open Plenum Experiments." Proceedings of HTR (2020)
  • P. Balestra, S. Schunert, R.W. Carlsen, A.J. Novak, M.D. DeHart, R.C. Martineau, "PBMR-400 Benchmark Solution of Exercise 1 and 2 Using the MOOSE Based Applications: MAMMOTH, Pronghorn." Proceedings of PHYSOR (2020)
  • P. Romano, S. Hamilton, R. Rahaman, A. Novak, E. Merzari, S. Harper, and P. Shriwise. "Design of a code-agnostic driver application for high-fidelity neutronic and thermal-hydraulic simulations." Proceedings of PHYSOR (2020)
  • A.J. Novak, R.N. Slaybaugh, and R.C. Martineau. "Multiscale Core Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis of the Pebble Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor." Proceedings of M&C (2019)
  • A.J. Novak, L. Zou, J.W. Peterson, R.C. Martineau, and R.N. Slaybaugh. "Pronghorn: Porous Media Thermal-Hydraulics for Reactor Applications" Proceedings of ANS (2018)
  • A.J. Novak, L. Zou, J.W. Peterson, R.C. Martineau, and R.N. Slaybaugh. "Pronghorn: A Porous Media Thermal-Hydraulics Core Simulator and its Validation with the SANA Experiments." Proceedings of ICAPP (2018)
  • L. Zou, J.W. Peterson, A.J. Novak, R.C. Martineau, and H.D. Gougar. "Stabilized Finite Element Formulation for Thermally-Driven Porous Media Flows in Pronghorn." Proceedings of ANS (2018)
  • A.J. Novak, P. Romano, B. Wendt, R. Rahaman, E. Merzari, L. Kerby, C. Permann, R. Martineau, and R.N. Slaybaugh. "Preliminary Coupling of OpenMC and Nek5000 Within the MOOSE Framework." Proceedings of PHYSOR (2018)
  • B. Wendt, A.J. Novak, P. Romano, and L. Kerby. "Integration of Functional Expansion Methodologies as a MOOSE Module." Proceedings of PHYSOR (2018)
  • J.C. Kendrick, A.J. Novak, C.M. Poresky, N. Zweibaum, P.F. Peterson. "Observations of Flow Instability in a Heated Narrow Vertical Slot in the UCB CIET Facility." Proceedings of ICAPP (2016)


  • 40 Under 40 Award, Nuclear News inaugural recipient (2024)

Teaching Honors

  • Students' Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2024)
  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excelelnt (2024)
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (2020)

Research Honors

  • R&D 100 Award, "Cardinal: Accelerating Discovery in Fusion and Fission Energy" (2023)
  • Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award, 1st Place in Advanced Reactor Systems (2018)

Recent Courses Taught

  • NPRE 100 - Orientation to NPRE
  • NPRE 455 - Neutron Diffusion & Transport
  • NPRE 501 - Fundamentals of Nuclear Engrg