Towards the Illinois Center for Data Science and Dynamical Systems (iDS2)

Strategic Research Initiatives

Maxim Raginsky, R. Srikant: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Niao He: Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering

Sanmi Koyejo: Computer Science

Yuguo Chen: Statistics

Research Goals

System dynamics occur in every dimension of data science, from data generation, modeling, inference, all the way to learning and automation. This project aims to initiate and accelerate the development of the unique Illinois Center for Data Science and Dynamical Systems (iDS2), by leveraging the multidisciplinary expertise and strengths at Illinois in these two fields: data science and dynamical systems.

As a key research component, this project focuses on establishing theoretical foundations of the interplay between data science and dynamical systems in all these aspects, which has never been systematically studied. The proposed research requires assimilation of techniques, theories, and principles from machine learning, control, game theory, optimization, and statistics. This could lead to the discovery of new theories, algorithms, and models in data science, as well as the expansion of applications in the big data regime, such as neuroscience, computer vision, robotics and autonomy, smart cities, and healthcare.