Material lets the light shine through


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Nanowerk (Dec. 9) -- Light and electricity dance a complicated tango in devices like LEDs, solar cells and sensors. A new anti-reflection coating developed by engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, lets light through without hampering the flow of electricity, a step that could increase efficiency in such devices. Also: Phys.Org (Dec. 9), ScienceBlog (Dec. 8), R&D Magazine (Dec. 9), Science 360 (NSF, Dec. 10), New Electronics (UK, Dec. 10), (Dec. 10), Solid State Technology (Dec. 10), The Engineer (UK, Dec. 10), LEDinside (Dec. 11).

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This story was published December 8, 2015.