Origami engineering


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Gizmag (Sept. 7) -- From military shelters and solar arrays to batteries and drones, engineers continue to prove that origami can be the inspiration for more than just paper cranes. Designed by researchers from Illinois, the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Tokyo, the zipper tube relies on an origami technique called Miura-ori folding. Also: The Daily Mail (London, Sept. 8), Motherboard (Sept. 7), Phys.Org (Sept. 7), The Engineer (UK, Sept. 8), Azom.com (Sept. 8), E&T Magazine (Sept. 8), Tech Times (Sept. 8), Nanowerk (Sept. 8), Science 360 (NSF, Sept. 9), Discovery News (Sept. 9), Gizmodo (Sept. 14), CityLab (from The Atlantic, Washington, D.C., Sept. 15), Blastr (Sept. 15), RT (Sept. 15), Inhabitat (blog, Sept. 15), Sidney Morning Herald (Sept. 17), Brisbane Times (video, Sept. 17), Sourceable (Sept. 25).

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This story was published September 7, 2015.